Leadership... that's what is missing in Sussex County!!
WELCOME to my blog on sussex county. This will be another tool to try and hold our elected officials accountable. I have been attending the Board of Supervisors meetings on a regular basis for the last 3 years, I've been part of local organizations that have tried to make a difference. So join me in opening up everyones eyes to what it's really like to live in Sussex County. I will talk about the good when there is good to talk about but for now its more important to address what's wrong and IT'S OUR LEADERSHIP THAT IS WHAT's WRONG!!!
The picture below was taken just munites before the start of what was suppose to be a BOS meeting 12/28/2011.
Dear Citizens of Sussex County, ALL CITIZENS, you should be deeply concerned about the recent series of events taking place among the group of folks who are supposed to be working for us all in improving our way of life here in Sussex County. It is a disgrace, a shame, a sham that we end 2011 with such a dysfunctional Board of Supervisors. The management of our county IS IN jeopardy! When a school board is not operating in the best interest of the students and locality the State Board of Education can "Take Over" the operations of that school HOWEVER there is no such safety net when it comes to County Government. The citizens MUST speak up, must show up and must hold their elected officials accountable for their actions AND lack of actions. All options must be considered in trying to get our county functioning including a re-call. I am not sure it has gotten to this point yet and there is a new board coming on in January so we should give them an opportunity to fulfill the oath of office they took. I told the current board almost 2 years ago they needed a code of conduct and code of ethics to help guide them but I do not think either of these documents has been created and adopted. If they were and it was adopted what is the penalty for non-compliance because there is no proper code of conduct or ethical operations being conducted. If we the citizens of Sussex County do NOT fill the seats to overflow capacity at future Council meetings and show we care and STOP all these behind closed door ranting this county will die. No one will want to move here, no one will want to stay here. Speak up, Show up citizens of Sussex County your future depends on it!
On 12/28/2011 the Board of Supervisors tried to hold a critical meeting to take care of some serious county business. I say tried because this was the 3rd attempt to hold such a meeting in December. The "non-meeting" because there was not a quorum present due to 2 Board Members "playing games" and not showing.
The County Administrator, Councilmen Harrell, Fly and Birdsong were present as evident of the above picture taken in the meeting room at 7:55 PM 25 min after the scheduled start.
Tyler and Caple were not present only empty chairs.
Not only was county money wasted due to these games so too was the time and expense of the few citizens who attended all attempts to have the meeting. The county should be reimbursed as should the citizens.
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