Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hot from a FOIA request.

I recently had to file a FOIA  (Freedom Of Information) Request to get a copy of the Town of Waverly's Council meeting of July 10, 2012 draft minutes. At first I was denied a copy but when I produced  the Virginia Code section 2.2-3707 Meetings to be public; notice of meetings;recordings; minutes that states "Minutes, including draft minutes and all other records of open meetings, including audio or audio/visual records shall be deemed public records and subject to the provisions of this chapter." I was told that I could get a copy IF I requested them in writing. I was first going to just write a letter requesting them but was told it had to be an OFFICIAL FOIA Request on an OFFICIAL FOIA Form. I played by all their rules (which are not valid but more on that later) and after a few days was given the minutes, pictured below. For which I had to pay a fee to obtain the copy.

In the title you can clearly see that these were considered DRAFT. So why do you think it was necessary to stamp the word DRAFT in bold red capital letters all over the pages in an attempt to make them hard to read. I am glad to see that this Town's Leadership has nothing better to do than play childish games. I wonder if that petty gesture made him/they feel more like a leader. I wouldn't put it past them that they had to go out and spend a few of our taxpayer dollars to purchase the stamp in the first place.

If you are interested in seeing the minutes with out all the kindergarten art-work they follow. I had to capture them in 5 separate images, click on to enlarge or click to save and paste into a document to be printed. I hope you enjoy this copy FREE OF CHARGE and WITHOUT the GAMES.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


SPEAK UP NOW against the proposed I-95 tolls. This issue is in fact one that the Sussex County Board of Supervisors all agree is NOT in our best interest. Thank You BOS for uniting on this important issue. You can work together, it should feel good in doing so! Thanks again!!! 

Truckers are hoping to steer support on the Internet to keep a toll plaza off Interstate 95, near Emporia. Several trucking associations started the online petition to keep the toll plaza off of I-95 in that area.
It includes the National Association of Truck Stop Operators, the American Trucking Association, and the Virginia Trucking Association. The organizations are against a proposal by VDOT to build a toll plaza in Sussex County between mile markers 20 and 24.
It would cost $4 for personal vehicles and $12 for trucks. There would also be a fee for exit and entrance ramps before and after the toll plaza.
Some of the reasons against the toll include claims that it's a waste of taxpayer money, it will work against businesses near the interstate, and it will cause a high volume of traffic in that area.
VDOT says the plan would bring in the millions of dollars needed for repairs to the well-traveled route

Sign a petition now at the link below...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Morrison is gone!

News from Sussex County !!  

George Morrison was suspended on July 20th as Sheriff Bell witnessed his departure today.

No one "wins" when someone looses their job. However with Morrison's suspension the county is at a crossroad and which path is traveled down will make a great difference to the future of the county. I truly hope that the decisions made going forward are made with only one thing in mind.....THE CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY. 

Please see earlier post for information from the Thursday, July 19th Board of Supervisor's meeting.

What makes a good leader? Or Is the Bad overshadowing the Good?

What makes a good leader?
Or Is the Bad overshadowing the Good?
If you were at the meeting and could not hear what was going on like most folks or                                  you were not able to attend there are lots of links to video clips from the meeting below.

First I want to make it very clear there is NO argument that organizations like The Improvement Association provide a valuable service to our county, many individuals and families that would have no other place to turn for help find a multitude of services that get them over the rough spots in life.  Last night, success story after success story, individual after individual came forth to emphasize just this. One lady spoke up from the audience of how The Improvement Association helped her and several of her children and how now several of them have graduated from college and are working and one son is proudly serving in the military helping protecting our liberties here and overseas. You could tell how proud she was and rightfully so, much of which she indicated would not have been possible without assistance she and her family received. So back to how I started …. There is NO argument that The Improvement Association provides a valuable service.

Setting that fact aside there were several things that were VERY EVIDENT last night that all is not as good as it could/should be once again here in Sussex County. Why? It’s all about LEADERSHIP! More appropriately it the lack of leadership.
While many folks differ on what they would like to see in a leader most know what makes a poor leader.
You are the judge if these actions are those of a leader? With full knowledge by Rufus Tyler, Executive Director of the Association (and remember your Chairman of the Sussex County BOS) and Charlie Caple, Chairman of the Association’s Board of Directors (and remember your newly appointed Assistant Chair of the Sussex County BOS) a letter was sent out to a selected group of folks in an attempt to “rally support” for the Association at the meeting.

click on it to enlarge

 That letter called for PLEASE STAND WITH US on Thursday July 19, 2012 at the Sussex County Board of Supervisors meeting and let our voices be heard.  The letter also called out Alfred Futrell, Eric Fly and Raymond Warren for singling out the Association for a reduction in financial support. The FACT is that they did NOT single out the Association, what they did do is make the difficult decisions necessary to try and balance our budget without raising taxes. Several other organizations (that also provide valuable services) were hit with a reduction in support. Many seeing a much larger percent cut than the Association. The Senior Citizens support was reduced from $10,000 to $3,000 a 70% REDUCTION.
Also an offer to provide transportation to the meeting was offered in the letter more evidence that an over flow crowd was hoped for and anticipated.

Wonder where the meeting is?

The meeting is over it's over no it's back over there!

Finally we found  "The Meeting"!

Back to Leadership, well the actions of Tyler, Caple and the Association BLINDSIDED the remainder of the Sussex County BOS, the County Administrator, The County Attorney, Sherriff Bell, Supernatant Harris and all others in attendance that did not get the letter. How say you? Well knowing all too well that there was going to be an overflow of the Courtroom requiring a move to a more suitable location which every other time was the High school auditorium those previously mentioned were not given a heads up. So what happened was folks kept coming and coming into the courtroom and Sheriff Bell told Chairman Tyler that the room was over code and either folks needed to leave or the meeting needed to be moved.

 Well this began an hour long chain of events as to where the meeting could be held. We were told to go to the High school auditorium, getting there the doors were locked and we were told that there was not time to get the AC on, sound equipment setup so we were to go the conference room at the Administration building. So the caravan of vehicle proceeded there only to stand outside in the 95 degree temps once again until we were told that the room there was also not suitable and we were to go back to the high school and the meeting was going to be held in the cafeteria. OUR LEADERS knew this move was going to be necessary why not give those folks a heads up so the new location could have been planned for. Were they hoping for the disruption to make a bigger show?? You could clearly see where their allegiances are, with the Association NOT with the BOS. More later on leadership.
After an informative presentation by the Association there was an opportunity for those in the audience AND on the Board to ask a few questions. Even though some numbers are in suspect the scope and depth of services provided was well presented. The questions from the audience were limited at this time but the Board of Supervisors was given the latitude to ask all they wanted to. Supervisor Fly asked most of the questions as usual, he does his homework, has been a long time Supervisor and has seen (and been part of) the good, the bad and the ugly.
The biggest issue seemed to revolve around just why was it now and only now that The Association was before the BOS making their case for funding. Many attempts for someone to attend a BOS meeting in previous years went unanswered. Was it they thought (or knew) that had it “in the bag” with their Executive Director and Chairman of their board on council and they would get whatever they wanted? Was it they thought they were more important than the others seeking support and were entitled to full funding??? Whatever the reason last night was the first time some budget related questions could be asked of the Association. Why was the BOS in the dark as to many of the budget related questions finally asked of the Association when two of their leadership (Tyler and Caple) was at every one of the Board of Supervisors meeting but were unable to or unwilling to provide info?? So was this yet another indication of the poor leadership actions of Tyler and Capel or was it in fact an attempt to withhold information?

After an agenda that was voted upon unanimously an issue came up for discussion that was “on the agenda” and it was immediately squashed by Chairman Tyler. What issue you say? The issue of paying outstanding bills, specifically the long overdue Lawyers fees. Chairman Futrell attempted to end this embarrassment once and for all with no luck, just pettiness and ignorance. Fly indicated that this line being drawn by a few was impacting all of us with the potential loss of investment opportunities. Once again the “game” was on, in Tylers rant he indicated that discussing the issue 10-12 no 13 times was enough. Well he (Tyler) may be able to silence the other supervisors during the meeting but he will never silence the citizens that are asking for justice for the Lawyers’ and end to this pettiness.
What else was of note? For some unknown reason a citizen was allowed to rant on for more that the mandatory time limit about an issue that was resolved previously in the evening during a public hearing on a rezoning request. During which several I think libelous statements were tossed about without any move by the Chairman to disallow such statements. LEADERSHIP?????

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sussex County Board of Supervisors meeting - this Thursday, July 19th at 7:30 pm at Sussex County Courthouse.  Please try to attend.  Without public interest, this town and county will not represent the citizen's interests !!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Emergency Town Meeting

Town of Waverly Emergency Meeting
July 16th @ 7 AM

As expected, the agenda was short - open the meeting, approve the agenda, and go into closed session.   Return from the closed session as shown below, to appoint a temporary Treasurer (person unknown at this time) and then the meeting ended.

What did happen that was worth noting, was that approximately 40 people showed up at 7:00 AM to see what was going on.  This is what we need for every meeting - hopefully 10 times the 40 at every meeting to watch and listen to protect our rights as citizens.

The vote to go into closed session

The discussion coming out of closed session. Sorry this is out of focus but you know who the players are, the message is in the audio portion which you should still be able to hear clearly.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thought you would like a bit of a laugh and see something that is posted on the Town of Waverly website and what a little bit of tweaking can change it into.

Original current posting.....
click on image to enlarge

A proposed re-write .........
click on image to enlarge
ALL kidding aside we all must keep vigilant to what is happening in our town, on our streets and behind closed doors.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A quick change by the Mayor and council

The scheduled Town of Waverly meeting which was an Emergency called meeting must not be much of an emergency as it has been CANCELLED and RE-SCHEDULED for:

MONDAY morning at 7 AM.
Might not be the reason but it sure looks like as the word was getting out about the Saturday meeting it was decided to change it to a time when most folks could not attend due to having to go to work. 
Don't worry,  I for one will be taking leave for a few hours to attend. Even if they call the meeting to order and go right into closed session,  I'll be there to see what they do and what they report when they come out of closed session.

Maybe this time they can get the legal end of going into and coming out of closed session right.


Just found out about a "special called" emergency Town council meeting.
WHAT'S the emergency?

Saturday morning 8 AM Town Hall
Be There
Lets NOT let them think they can do business with out someone looking over their shoulder.
Even if it's nothing we need to be there!!

More Later
Thanks to Sams Club demo computers this is getting out to all who might be interested.
I will try and find out more info and post it later tonight.

Be at the Town Hall at 8 in the morning TOMORROW morning if you can !!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Treasurer quits after Waverly police shake-up

Treasurer quits after Waverly police shake-up
Posted on: 6:54 pm, July 12, 2012, by Wayne Covilupdated on: 06:56pm, July 12, 2012

WAVERLY, Va. (WTVR) – The treasurer of a small town in Virginia is making a big statement after town leaders opted not to renew the police chief’s contract.
Pam Diehl said she never imagined she would walk off the job after 31 years.
Diehl said she resigned as treasurer Wednesday after the town council decided not to reappoint Waverly Police Chief Kevin Lands.
In fact, Tuesday night was the first meeting for four of the five recently elected town council members.
Their quick decision divided many of the town’s 2300 residents.
In fact, some residents told CBS 6 News’ Wayne Covil Thursday they think the chief and other officers have done a good job cutting down on crime. They worry his departure could mean trouble for the area.
Additionally, Diehl said the meeting had the largest public turnout in more than a decade. But she said the public’s praise fell on deaf ears.
“I felt like I could no longer work with a mayor and town council that had a preset agenda and did not have the Town of Waverly’s best interest at heart,” Diehl told Covil from her front porch Thursday.
Mayor Walter Mason isn’t saying much about Deihl’s resignation. 
“I have no comment on that, that’s town’s business,” said Mason. ”Like what happened with anybody else, that has a vacancy, it’s going to be filled.”
Additionally, Deihl said that there is no one to take her place at this point, since the town’s longtime clerk recently retired.
Stay with CBS 6 News and for updates on this developing story. 

If the link above does not work try watching the TV 6 news story I taped from the TV below .....

It takes a great person to standup for what they feel is right and to 

take such a bold move as Pam Diehl has done. There comes a point

 in each of our lives we must do what we feel is right and just. We

 all need to commend folks like Pam and we need to wake up and  

get involved in OUR TOWN. Do not let it get to the point where 

 you say “I should of” or “we could of” or “why did that happen”.

Things only happen when we become complacent or ignorant to 

what is happening around us.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Fix Was In

What Just Happened?

I wonder if the Mayor and new council members slept well last

 night.  I don’t mind saying I did NOT. Trying to figure out why and

 for what official grounds was Police Chief Lands was NOT 

reappointed was but just one of the “things” I thought and thought

about. It is VERY INTERESTING (and obvious) that with Mason's

 influence all 4 new council members voted to not reappoint and the

 only current council member who won re-election voted to keep 

the Chief. The Mayor and Councilwomen Taylor were the only 2

 who had specific/inside knowledge of Chief Lands’ performance

 over the last 4 years. It is well known that Mason has personal 

“issues” with Chief Lands so his push to influence others to vote

 NO was/is not a surprise and for Councilwomen Taylor to vote

 YES must indicate that she saw some benefit in his record and 

commitment to the Town.

I truly believe I saw the faces of evil last night or at least evil doing.

The Town is different today than it was 4 years ago, society is 

different today than it was 4 years ago and last night a move was

 made to give into and set back some of these changes. There are 

children in the Town that are being influenced by adults that are not

 their parents/guardians to take the easy road to perceived success.

 There was a comment last night that the phrase GANG was being 

used inappropriately, I agree to a point that children are just that 

children, until they brand themselves by their actions and 

appearance with gang related icons. Not all gangs are bad but when

 a group of individuals promote violence, promote drug use, 

promote disrespect then those gangs ARE BAD.  It is these gangs

 that Chief Lands was working so hard with others to turn around 

and allow them to be individuals, allow them to find a place to 

belong while at the same time protect them and others from 

unnecessary violence.

BUT our problems in OUR TOWN go far far beyond this issue, I do

 not want to live in a police state but then again I do not want to 

worry about the safety and wellbeing of our town either. There was

 another comment made last night that was ONCE AGAIN asking

 that a citizen advisory committee be formed as a law enforcement

 oversight committee. Wouldn’t that be a more logical move to 

make? Put together a committee that can work with the police 

department, town citizens and town business owners to make 

improvements not just make decisions on limited facts and 


Being a law enforcement officer is the most dangerous job in our 

town; do they get it right every time??? NO. But they have to make

 quick life and death decisions in a blink of an eye. As long as they 

don’t infringe on our civil liberties and abuse the power of their 

office they should be given an amount of flexibility, respect and 

understanding. I am sure many of you remember not all that long

 ago Officer Gibson gave his life in the line of duty protecting this 

town. In a blink of an eye his life was gone; the lives of many 

friends and family of both the victim and the killer were changed

 forever by a poor decision made in the heat of a struggle.

Videos from last night, Citizens were only allowed 3 min each to
 talk and the time allotted for all comments was less than 1 hour.
Over 125 people were in attendance, only 13 spoke before the council. However there were many hallway and outside discussions by folks not willing to go on the record or by folks who were not afforded time to talk. 










I hope the Town and the lives of the citizens of the Town were

 NOT negatively changed forever once again by a poor decision

 that was made in the heat of a struggle last night. Time will tell!

What I do know is that the Town of Waverly just lost another very
 good Law enforcement officer!