What makes a good leader?
Or Is the Bad overshadowing the Good?
If you were at the meeting and could not hear what was going on like most folks or you were not able to attend there are lots of links to video clips from the meeting below.
First I want to make it very clear there is NO argument that organizations like The Improvement Association provide a valuable service to our county, many individuals and families that would have no other place to turn for help find a multitude of services that get them over the rough spots in life. Last night, success story after success story, individual after individual came forth to emphasize just this. One lady spoke up from the audience of how The Improvement Association helped her and several of her children and how now several of them have graduated from college and are working and one son is proudly serving in the military helping protecting our liberties here and overseas. You could tell how proud she was and rightfully so, much of which she indicated would not have been possible without assistance she and her family received. So back to how I started …. There is NO argument that The Improvement Association provides a valuable service.
Setting that fact aside there were several things that were VERY EVIDENT last night that all is not as good as it could/should be once again here in Sussex County. Why? It’s all about LEADERSHIP! More appropriately it the lack of leadership.
While many folks differ on what they would like to see in a leader most know what makes a poor leader.
You are the judge if these actions are those of a leader? With full knowledge by Rufus Tyler, Executive Director of the Association (and remember your Chairman of the Sussex County BOS) and Charlie Caple, Chairman of the Association’s Board of Directors (and remember your newly appointed Assistant Chair of the Sussex County BOS) a letter was sent out to a selected group of folks in an attempt to “rally support” for the Association at the meeting.
click on it to enlarge
That letter called for PLEASE STAND WITH US on Thursday July 19, 2012 at the Sussex County Board of Supervisors meeting and let our voices be heard. The letter also called out Alfred Futrell, Eric Fly and Raymond Warren for singling out the Association for a reduction in financial support. The FACT is that they did NOT single out the Association, what they did do is make the difficult decisions necessary to try and balance our budget without raising taxes. Several other organizations (that also provide valuable services) were hit with a reduction in support. Many seeing a much larger percent cut than the Association. The Senior Citizens support was reduced from $10,000 to $3,000 a 70% REDUCTION.
Also an offer to provide transportation to the meeting was offered in the letter more evidence that an over flow crowd was hoped for and anticipated.
Wonder where the meeting is?
The meeting is over there...no it's over there...no no it's back over there!
Back to Leadership, well the actions of Tyler, Caple and the Association BLINDSIDED the remainder of the Sussex County BOS, the County Administrator, The County Attorney, Sherriff Bell, Supernatant Harris and all others in attendance that did not get the letter. How say you? Well knowing all too well that there was going to be an overflow of the Courtroom requiring a move to a more suitable location which every other time was the High school auditorium those previously mentioned were not given a heads up. So what happened was folks kept coming and coming into the courtroom and Sheriff Bell told Chairman Tyler that the room was over code and either folks needed to leave or the meeting needed to be moved.
Well this began an hour long chain of events as to where the meeting could be held. We were told to go to the High school auditorium, getting there the doors were locked and we were told that there was not time to get the AC on, sound equipment setup so we were to go the conference room at the Administration building. So the caravan of vehicle proceeded there only to stand outside in the 95 degree temps once again until we were told that the room there was also not suitable and we were to go back to the high school and the meeting was going to be held in the cafeteria. OUR LEADERS knew this move was going to be necessary why not give those folks a heads up so the new location could have been planned for. Were they hoping for the disruption to make a bigger show?? You could clearly see where their allegiances are, with the Association NOT with the BOS. More later on leadership.
After an informative presentation by the Association there was an opportunity for those in the audience AND on the Board to ask a few questions. Even though some numbers are in suspect the scope and depth of services provided was well presented. The questions from the audience were limited at this time but the Board of Supervisors was given the latitude to ask all they wanted to. Supervisor Fly asked most of the questions as usual, he does his homework, has been a long time Supervisor and has seen (and been part of) the good, the bad and the ugly.
The biggest issue seemed to revolve around just why was it now and only now that The Association was before the BOS making their case for funding. Many attempts for someone to attend a BOS meeting in previous years went unanswered. Was it they thought (or knew) that had it “in the bag” with their Executive Director and Chairman of their board on council and they would get whatever they wanted? Was it they thought they were more important than the others seeking support and were entitled to full funding??? Whatever the reason last night was the first time some budget related questions could be asked of the Association. Why was the BOS in the dark as to many of the budget related questions finally asked of the Association when two of their leadership (Tyler and Caple) was at every one of the Board of Supervisors meeting but were unable to or unwilling to provide info?? So was this yet another indication of the poor leadership actions of Tyler and Capel or was it in fact an attempt to withhold information?
After an agenda that was voted upon unanimously an issue came up for discussion that was “on the agenda” and it was immediately squashed by Chairman Tyler. What issue you say? The issue of paying outstanding bills, specifically the long overdue Lawyers fees. Chairman Futrell attempted to end this embarrassment once and for all with no luck, just pettiness and ignorance. Fly indicated that this line being drawn by a few was impacting all of us with the potential loss of investment opportunities. Once again the “game” was on, in Tylers rant he indicated that discussing the issue 10-12 no 13 times was enough. Well he (Tyler) may be able to silence the other supervisors during the meeting but he will never silence the citizens that are asking for justice for the Lawyers’ and end to this pettiness.
What else was of note? For some unknown reason a citizen was allowed to rant on for more that the mandatory time limit about an issue that was resolved previously in the evening during a public hearing on a rezoning request. During which several I think libelous statements were tossed about without any move by the Chairman to disallow such statements. LEADERSHIP?????
Association Presentation 1.AVI
Citizens Comments 460 bypass.AVI
Citizens Comments abandoned property.AVI

Citizens Comments association support 1 of 2 (2).AVI

Citizens Comments association support 2 of 2.AVI

Citizens Comments meeting location.AVI

Citizens Comments rezoning.AVI

Citizens Comments Senior Citizens.AVI

Citizens Comments thanks to the BOS and support of the Association.AVI

Comments and questions for the Association 1.AVI

Comments and questions for the Association 2.AVI

pay the lawyers 1.AVI

pay the lawyers 2.AVI

pay the lawyers 3.AVI

pay the lawyers 4.AVI

rezoning discussion 1.AVI

rezoning discussion 2.AVI

rezoning discussion 3.AVI

tolls on I95.AVI

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