Hopefully the County Administrator and the Board Members who sponsored the series of community meetings felt that their 3rd attempt to involve all of us in the planning for our future was a success even though the room was half full. I could have said half empty but that would take a pessimistic view and I want to be as optimistic as possible until given reason to not be.
A few of the key slides from the presentation
Those in attendance were treated to an uplifting program as was done in the previous meetings but this program had an additional update on the progress of the new school.
Also Representative Fly, our host for the evening gave a very good update on the I-95 Tolls and 460 bypass. Did you know NC has gotten approval for placing a toll on I-95 and plan to do so at the VA/NC line? PLEASE listen to the video (link to video is at the end) and be prepared to take action as we were encouraged to do.
“Drag the rats out into the sunshine”, CALL
Bob McDonnell @ 804-786-2211
George Allen @ 804-726-2012
Tim Kaine @ 804-359-7100
These folks are running for an elected office and asking for our vote in November WE MUST ASK THEM NOW are they for or against the tolls on I-95. TELL THEM NO … NO TOLLS on 95 not in Sussex County NOT anywhere!
Another highlight of the evening was the recognition of Bill Collins, you must view the video below to get just a slight look into how much he has given back and how proud and humbled he was/is in receiving this recognition. The County has used these Community meetings to recognize County residents that have truly Made A Difference, and as with the 2 previous recipients Bill Collins does just that…make a difference.
Citizens were asking the tough questions too!
Citizens taking the opportunity to write down their hopes and wishes for the future of the county.
In what I see as a glimmer of hope is the fact that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Mr. Tyler was in the audience for the first time.
Although he did not participate and sat in silence, he was there and did hear comments from those in attendance as to what they looked forward to, what they were proud of AND what is concerning them with the leadership or lack thereof coming out of the BOS.
Bill Collins recognition.AVI
Bill Collins reaction.AVI
Fly I95 Tolls part 1.AVI
Fly I95 Tolls part 2.AVI
Update on new school.AVI
And dont forget the wonderful video that was produced ....
YOU have 1 last chance to attend one of these great opportunities at least for now. Plan on attending. Anyone from anywhere in the county can attend. DON'T EVER SAY "YOU WEREN'T GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY."
Thursday September 13th at the Jarratt Fire House 6:00 PM and
And REMEMBER The next Board of Supervisors Meeting
Thursday September 20th at the Courthouse 7:30 PM
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