Tuesday, March 6, 2012

GREAT things happening in the Town of Waverly

The Town of Waverly takes steps to improve the way of life for residents and visitors. If you build it they will come is a famous line from the “Field of Dreams” movie. Well The Town of Waverly has it’s own version of a Field of Dreams! What began as a donation many many years ago to the town from the late Senator Gray in the form a small parcel of land to be developed into a park has laid dormant like a sleeping giant all these years, now has been awakened with the help of a grant from the Virginia Department of Forestry and the expert assistance from the Community Design Assistance Center from Virginia Tech. http://cdac.arch.vt.edu/

A small group of very talented students have been visiting Waverly several times over the last few months looking at the land that was donated  as well as all other property owned by the town and in addition other property that might have a potential for improvement. All of this in an attempt to beautify and create an atmosphere within the town that would entice folks to visit, shop, eat and just plain ol enjoy what the town has to offer.

Below are several conceptual drawings the design team along with the Town’s Park Committee developed. These are on display in the Town Hall and you are encouraged to come down and look at them and take a moment to leave your comments as to your thoughts. If you prefer you can view the pictures here and answer the questions that follow. You can email your comments to fred.turck@dof.virginia.gov or you can hand write them and drop off at the Town Hall. We are trying to collect all comments by March 16th at which time the design team will take them all into consideration when finalizing our options. A date soon after that will be set for a public meeting hosted by the Design Center and the Town’s Park and Recreation Committee at which time final plans will be presented.

This is just one of the initial steps necessary for the Town and Community to move forward. A lot of hard work and fund raising will be necessary to see any of the recommendations become a reality.

Welcome To Waverly! Lets show everyone how proud we are of our town with some new signage.

 How cool would it be to have a Farmer's Market and public gatering place?

The Park is located adjacent to the tennis courts. How great would it be to have a place to hold a family picnic, take your children to a safe place to play and a place to come and relax while enjoying a small bit of nature?


The Community Design Assistance Center will be taking comments for the Waverly Improvements Project until Friday, March 16th, 2012. After viewing the display boards either on line or at the Town Hall please fill out the following comments sections with any likes/dislikes or suggestions that you feel are important to the design project. Forms will be available at the Town Hall also.

Park Designs:


Downtown Master Plan:



This project is participating in an In-kind Match Program. In order for the community to receive additional funding for the project we need you to please fill in your name and approximately how long you spent reviewing the designs: (ie Jane Doe. 45 mins) Names will only be used for the In-Kind match purposes.

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