Monday, March 5, 2012


Dear Citizen,

County government provides essential services we use every day. Citizens and their government must work together as neighbors to enhance programs and services and to preserve our history.

One of the most important components of a democratic society is public participation. The boards, commissions, committees and councils of Sussex County provide us a unique opportunity to take an active role in County government.

Some of these bodies have been established by State law; others have been created by the Board of Supervisors. Either way they cannot and should not function in a “cone of silence”. We have about 10 days till the next Board of Supervisors meeting, that’s 10 days for you to make a difference. Contact your representative tell them NO DEMAND that they put personal differences aside, put egos aside, put aside ALL that is getting in the way of them carrying out the business of the county. They should not demand apologies from each other, they should not vote in an attempt to penalize another, get over it and move forward. There is not a single board member that is perfect, or one who has never done something wrong and not in line with the status quo. Again call them, write them, email them AND follow-up with attending the meeting on Thursday March 15th. Pay the bills, elect a vice-chair and hire an attorney BASICALLY GET TO WORK AND STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH OUR TIME AND MONEY.
I have drawn my first ploitical cartoon and if the board continues to clown around I will submit it to the paper in hopes that they will afford me yet another attempt to keep the presure on them demanding that they do what we elected them to do.

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