Friday, April 20, 2012

Is it a light at the end of the tunnel or just a train coming?

At least they were civil tonight.  No they did not agree on everything and did not do what was the just and right thing but they did disagree in the manner one would expect from a group of grown men. BUT I AM NOT willing to say they are where they need to be and who knows what went on in the closed session, I did not wait around to see.
The Board did pass a motion directing County Administrator to sign the contarct for the new county attorney Packer who was attending his first Board of Supervisors meeting BUT WAS NEVER INTRODUCED TO THE CITIZENS.

Supervisor Futrell presented the Board with a packet requesting funding for 3 community oriented programs in his district. And while I am talking about Supervisor Futrell, if you did not read the article about him in the Sussex Surry Dispatch you should. And let's just hope each of the other supervisors read it as well.
This man has integrity; he is his own man, does not follow in anyone’s footsteps, represents the people in his district and does what is RIGHT. Thank you Mr. Futrell!
A Waverly Couple asks Chairman Tyler to just BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR!     No,  Mr Tyler and his wife don't live in the house in Waverly seen in pictures below. They live in a home or to some a mansion on the river in Sussex County,  a far cry from this property.

 As the couple explained how the property which has been abandoned has now become not only an eyesore but a health hazard,  Mr Tyler looked on and could not wait for their time to be up so he could gavel them down. In the picture below you can see Tyler keeping a close eye on the clock on his phone.

Deputy county administrator sang the praise of a blog that promoted the “benefits” of the new Rt 460 bypass, much to the dismay of many who’s property and lives will be turned upside down. Mr Morrison went on to say he would see that the blog address would be posted on the county web page. I wonder if they would post this Blog’s address, I bet not!
Pay the lawyers, just pay them.

A motion was made to pay the County Administrator his overtime he put in during the County emergency several months ago as were other county employees.

 video clip is also linked to below

 Mr Harris,  while stating that he appreciated the gesture , declined the payment (approximately $2,500) and asked that it be used to help offset the employee bonus approved at this meeting. ($500 for every fulltime employee and $250 for all part time employees)

Videos from the meeting

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 county employees get bonus

One of the bright spots of the meeting... but remember .. where is that light coming from??

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 They did the work Pay Them

What more can we the citizens say? Knock Knock anyone home??? Are you listening or don't you give a damn.?

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 pay the lawyers 3- 3 motion dies

What is beginning to sound like a broken record and what now has to be PERSONAL and somewhat political yet another surprise…surprise 3 – 3 vote. Who looses? The Lawyers who aren’t getting paid? The couple of thousand dollars won’t make or break them. So who is losing? We, the citizens of Sussex County.  Particularly, if the County is sued by these attorney's for their payment.  The cost of a lawsuit will be ten times what the bill is. Is this responsible government to spend excess funds for a personal vendetta by one Board member (Tyler) which will end up costing all citizen's of Sussex County?  Thousands of dollars that will be wasted. 

ssex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 eliminate the 2 committees

Due to the fact that each of these committees has 4 members each out of the 6 and when they meet the 4 have to work and make suggestions/recommendations then bring it back at a separate meeting to the remaining 2 members AND the Board only has 2 employees they supervise it was recommended to do away with just these 2 committees.

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 Tyler tries to explain

Tyler tries to explain to Warren why they need to have retreats vs. work sessions but at the end he succumbs to the idea of changing the name so the public perception is not one of frivolously spent taxpayers money in a party- like setting.

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 3 3 vote committees remain

The finance and personnel committees stay after a 3- 3 vote. Just like Gomer Pyle said…surprise surprise.

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012  we need to be efficient with our resources

Like E F Hutton... When County Administrator Harris speaks they should listen. This man has some good ideas, he has seen what works and what does not, you hired him for his experience,  NOW LISTEN to him!!

Sussex County Board of Supervisors 4.19/2012 definition of insanity

 County Administrator Harris "We can't keep doing things the same way if we want to improve"
One after another during citizens comments the Board was asked, NO TOLD, PAY THE LAYWERS !! And then ......

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