I was going to get this to the paper as a letter to the
editor but missed last week's deadline and it would not be seen by many of you until
after you voted on Tuesday so I am hoping you read it here and pass it along to
your friends and neighbors. The Sussex Surry Dispatch did an excellent job
providing information on the local candidates. Review this information, talk to
the candidates, to your friends and neighbors to become an informed voter.
vote? It’s more than a simple responsibility, voting is a sacred trust given to us, a right for which blood has been spilled many
times– to preserve that right for ourselves and to help extend that right to
Why vote?
Because that is the way we change things. That is the way we reform the system.
That is the way we guard against the threats to our liberties and exercise our
vote? Candidates
come and candidates go. Elections are won and lost. Sometimes we elect crooks
and no-bodies and, every once in a while, a true leader emerges to take “office”,
showing folks what it means to be a true representative of the people and, more
importantly, why honesty, truth and commitment matters. One such gentleman is
A.G.Futrell, Waverly Representative on the Sussex County Board of Supervisors.
Each one of us deserves to be represented by the very best, by someone who
really cares about US, someone who puts those they represent above the needs of
And, for this
reason, it matters that you vote. It is your voice – and the only person who can silence
your voice is you. So cheer, complain, protest or petition
– these are your rights but, without your vote, they are meaningless actions,
backed up by nothing.
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