Friday, August 31, 2012


I won't post to the blog what is in my letter to the Editor of the Sussex Surry Dispatch, but I do hope you will get your copy next week and read not only my letter to the Editor but all the articles. Our local paper, its reporters and Editor are doing a great job in keep us informed as to what is happening AND what is not happening in our county.

The meeting last night was hosted by the Honorable A.G.Futrell. As with the first meeting we were welcomed and thanked for attending. We were also told that we were there to help provide input into the county's strategic plan. We were also told that this was our meeting and we ALL would be given the opportunity to say ALL we wished to say with no time or content restrictions as long as we respected each other.

We were given 2 index cards on one we put down what it was we were proud of in Sussex County NOT today but in the year 2020.

Card 1.AVI

 A moving very well created "movie" was shown. If your only going to watch one of my posted videos please watch this one. I promise you it will make you think....why can't we be more like what is being portrayed?
County Video.AVI

A special person was given a special recognition. Mrs. Turner, who has probably done more for the citizens of Sussex County over the past 50+ years than any other single individual was surprised by the presentation.
Mrs. Turner surprise.AVI

 She got the last word in as she usually does. We all could take a lesson from Mrs Turner and give back into the county.
Mrs. Turner.AVI

Many, many citizens in attendance spoke one after the other making it VERY CLEAR that change must happen and it is US (We The People) that have the responsibility to make this change happen. A very loud voice was heard. Could this have been the first step in our long journey to a better managed county??


We were given an update on both the I-95 Tolls and the 460 By-Pass. If you want to voice your concern there is no need to talk to your Board of Supervisors because for once they are united on this issue. YOU SHOULD CALL the Governor's office at 1-804-786-2211 or call the Federal Highway Administration at 1-800-424-9071.
REMEMBER 2 more Community Meetings
Thursday September 6th at the School Board Meeting Room  6:00 PM and
Thursday September 13th at the Jarratt Fire House 6:00 PM and
The next Board of Supervisors Meeting
Thursday September 20th at the Courthouse (at least that is where it will begin) 7:30 PM
WARNING get to these meetings early as seats fill up quickly.

Public Meetings scheduled for TONIGHT at 6PM

The 2nd of the 4 scheduled Community Meetings will be held tonight 6PM at the Prince George Electric COOP in Waverly.

It’s YOUR opportunity to provide ideas for our future to those who are supposed to be listening to US. BE THERE!!


Also for those of you who might want to see copies of the various letters that were talked about in the recent Sussex Surry Dispatch, here they are. If after reading them you don’t think a CHANGE is needed in our leadership of the county I just don’t know what would wake you up.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's OUR FUTURE 1st of 4 meetings

It’s Our Future

This is the title for the 4 scheduled meetings scheduled across the county to discuss where WE see the county in 2020.

The first of these meetings was last Thursday, 6 PM held at the Wakefield Foundation. The old Wakefield School is a perfect example as to what can be done within a community by taking what was once a rundown abandoned property, some local funding, a lot of local support and sweat and building something that is part of our future.

The evening began with a surprise for one of those in the audience. Mr. Brian Bain, President of the Shaketown Riders the motorcycle group from Wakefield. Mr. Harris, County Administrator, read the declaration and then presented it to Mr. Bain with his family proudly looking on.

The real message that we all took home was delivered to us by Brian in the words he spoke after receiving the plaque. PLEASE LISTEN and tell everyone to seek this video clip on YouTube and hear from the heart of a young man what it is that we all can do to lead the County into the future.

Brian Bain recognition.AVI

Brian's Words of Thanks, Hopes and Challanges.AVI

Now to the meeting. This was hosted by the Honorable Raymond Warren with two of the other 6 Supervisors in attendance. Mr. Futrell and Mr. Fly supported Mr. Warren as I am sure he will be doing the same as they host their respective meetings in coming weeks.

The meeting room was full of anticipation and energy as the county began by showing a wonderful video compilation of pictures taken from around Sussex County set to music (which they promise will be much louder at the next meeting). This was very well done and something that should be posted to the county’s web page.

After a discussion as to the mission and goals of the meeting we all were handed out index cards on which we were to write what we like best about Sussex County 2020, yes 2020 NOT today.

This exercise was repeated with another question -  what question you say? Come to the next meeting in your area to find out what that question is. We were told all cards/comments would be presented to the leadership of the county (The Board of Supervisors) so that they all can see/hear what OUR hopes and dreams are for US and the COUNTY.

As one would have expected the possessiveness of the meeting was tarnished a bit as the floor was opened and ALL that wanted to speak were given ALL the time they wanted to bring forth concerns. This was done very orderly and with respect of everyone in attendance. Topics from the 460 bypass, our Senior Citizens, to establishment of a county wide taskforce made up of citizens NOT elected county officials, to discuss countywide opportunities that would then be presented to the Board of Supervisors at regularly scheduled meetings were discussed.

AND yes several comments were made about why the Board of Supervisors could not work together and what it would take for this to happen.

There is a saying that goes “If you’re in a hole you need to put down the shovels and pick up the ladder.” Well we have some Supervisors and citizens that are steadily digging while others are grabbing for the ladders! You know who they are and you know what you have a hold of yourself.

We all need to begin to remove our hands from the shovels, one at a time and begin to steady the ladder that our County Administrator, County Attorney and others have brought to the County. It is only then that we can even begin to think AND PLAN for the future of Sussex County.

There are 3 more of these meeting scheduled PLEASE try and attend the one near you …. IT IS YOUR FUTURE…. IT IS YOUR COUNTY.

Thursday August 30th – 6PM at the Prince George Electric Coop in Waverly.

Thursday September 6th – 6PM at the School Board Meeting Room at the High school Complex

Thursday September 13th – 6PM at the Jarratt Fire House

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


TYLER shows his lack of leadership once again!

If you were looking for the videos from the last BOS meeting please scroll down to the previous posting. We have for you a special BONUS!
Below are images of 2 letters that you should find VERY INTERESTING.
The first letter is from Rufus Tyler to the suspended Deputy County Administrator Morrison. The second letter is from the County Attorney Packer to Tyler in response to Tyler’s letter.
Rufus Tyler shows ONCE AGAIN that he feels he only has to play by HIS rules, Rufus’s Rules of Disorder. Remember this posting from a few months ago?

In complete disregard of the standards of conduct one would expect from not only a District Representative but also the Chair of the Board of Supervisors Rufus took it upon himself (himself??? maybe …. maybe not???) to inform Morrison that the will of the county government was to be ignored and he should return to “his” job.
Well THANKS for the due diligence of a very competent County Attorney that move to undermine the management of our County was derailed and Mr Morrison was informed in NO uncertain terms that Tyler was wrong.

If this is NOT an act of the misuse of the duties of a Chairman of the Board of Supervisors I truly don’t know what is!
I always thought this, but now I am sure, Tyler has what is referred to as a NAPOLEON COMPLEX which is defined as “the condition of being small in stature but aggressively ambitious and seeking absolute control”
PLEASE read the two letters and be ashamed of your Chairman of the BOS and be proud of your County Attorney. Click on the letter to enlarge it for easier reading.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Videos from the Sussex County BOS Meeting on the 16th

PLEASE look back at the last post to listen to 4 citizens speak out during the public comment time of the meeting.

Below are many many videos from the meeting much of them comming from the regular portion of the meeting and several additional comments from citizens.

I am sorry that they might NOT be identified in such a way you can easly follow but the meeting itself was not easily followed. The board,  mostly Tyler got off point so many times it seemed like a free for all. Please take time to view the videos and YOU make up your own mind as to the effectivness of our current Board of Supervisors and see if you agree that Rufus Tyler is NOT a leader. I don't want to ask him to step down because Caple is the vice chair and he would take over the leadership and if you think Tyler is not a leader Caple would be worse.
I did not think anyone could doze off during the meeting with all the "discussions" and verbal bantering back and forth between board members.

The videos are mostly in time order if that will help you follow along

Addition to agenda 1.AVI

Addition to agenda 2.AVI

Addition to agenda 3.AVI

Addition to agenda 4.AVI

Service Authority 1.AVI

Update code.AVI

Adopt Bylays.AVI

Dennis Gaston.AVI

Dennis Gaston 2.AVI

Agenda 1.AVI

Agenda 2.AVI

Agenda 3.AVI

Agenda 4.AVI

Agenda 5.AVI

Agenda 6.AVI

Agenda 7.AVI

Agenda 8.AVI

Agenda 9.AVI

Agenda 10.AVI

Agenda 11.AVI

Agenda 12.AVI

Al Peschke.AVI

Blackwater District Report.AVI

Chester Carter 1.AVI

County Admin Duties 1.AVI

County Admin Duties 2.AVI

County Admin Duties 3.AVI

Debbie Turck

Her video clip is on the last post "Work for us or we'll replace you"

Personnel Policy 1 and 2 are pictures not videos

Personnel Policy 3

Personnel Policy 4

Personnel Policy 5

Personnel Policy 6

Special Called meeting 1

Special Called Meeting 2

Special Called Meeting 3

Special Called Meeting 4

Special Called Meeting 5

Special Called Meeting 6 point of order

Special Called Meeting 7

Vote On Budget