I struggled with a title for last night’s Waverly Town Council Meeting and had the following options.
“Selectively Taking Credit” or “I did this, I did that” and
“To Clap or not to Clap”
There was actually a moment or two where good “business” was conducted / reported. Then there were times that it was evident that the learning curve as a mayor or council member was a bit steep and treacherous path for some.
After a few town business items it was time for Citizen Comments. Mrs. Bradshaw was first to speak and she was asking for the Town Seal to be placed on a certificate of achievement she purchased herself to honor her late husband who was the Chief of Police, Dispatcher and County Deputy at various times in his honorable 50 years of public service mostly to the Town of Waverly. All she asked for was the seal to be affixed, Mayor Mason almost demanded that the town pass a resolution honoring him and was told when he left service nothing was done at that time and that was the time to have recognized him. The council finally agreed to affix the seal on her certificate.
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Then Mr. A. G. Futrell addressed the Council, more specifically, the Mayor, asking him to come clean and state the fact that it was actually Mr. Futrell and NOT the Mayor who made a recommendation that the County allocate a one-time fund in the amount of $50,000 to be given to the Town to be used for the development of the proposed park. This was not a pretty exchange between the Town Leadership (and that is in question) and a Sussex County Board of Supervisor whose area of representation includes a portion of the Town of Waverly. You just wonder how Mason’s defiance impacted relationships between the Town and the County. No matter how much he and other council members PREACH unity they sure have a funny way of showing it.
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Gerry Olson, Town resident, then took the podium and asked for an accounting of how council members came to their decisions. Councilman Boyd’s response was that they make their decision by a vote. Duh!! (The intent of the question was to what processes they go through to formulate a decision that becomes their vote.) Wondering why it seemed that the will of the people (who they work for) is not taken into consideration. Gerry was given a lesson on how the mayor and the council are similar to the Presidency and the Congress, quite an illusion of grandeur don’t you think?
To clap or not to clap, that is the question !
There was a time during his presentation that the audience applauded, the Mayor was quick to jump up and say we can’t, we won’t have this foolishness but later on during the meeting when HE (the Mayor) thought it was appropriate he tried to lead in applause which was supported by a few, very few in attendance, while others yelled out oh no we can’t have this!!! Once again the Mayor’s rules only apply to when and who he wants them to.
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I then had to sit down my camera as I took to the podium. I had several items in mind to address the Mayor and Town Council but settled on just two. First was how childish it was for my formal request via a FOIA (Freedom of Information) for the draft minutes of the previous meeting was given to me with many, many large print DRAFT stamps in red all over it. The Town Lawyer indicated how he was the one that directed this to be done and how in his mind was in fact a PROFESSIONAL act and he would consider it appropriate in his practice. During my comments I was asked by the Lawyer to allow him to finish his comments before interrupting him which I complied with. HOWEVER he would not afford me the same courtesy. I had to ask him to give me the same respect I gave him. The second item I presented was a formal request to be notified of any future public meetings. According to Virginia Code this is allowed, we will see if it is properly and professionally acted upon. Several other residents also presented similar requests. All we are asking for is what is afforded us as citizens of Town, the County and the greatest free nation in the world.
A lady followed me and asked that the Council consider bringing in a consultant to help the Town get to the next level and she also indicated that there are and have been many residents that were in fact in favor of not reappointing Chief Lands. She was followed by another gentleman who voiced similar concerns. The Mayor did ask that all this revisiting the past be halted.
After citizen comments the remainder of the agenda was presented.
The 4 big issues seemed to revolve around …
1) The Town taking on additional responsibility and liability to cut grass along the right of ways which is not being done by VDOT. At one time during this discussion the Town Legal Council and the Mayor really blasted VDOT for not doing their job. I guess the olive branch has long been broken with this relationship as well.
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2) The refurbishing of the Tennis courts at the cost of $153,282.00. There were other options presented that would be less costly and several possibilities for funding were also presented. On a side note I did not hear mentioned the possibility of Tidewater Academy kicking in a few thousand bucks as they have been in the past (and maybe still are) significant users of the courts. The courts are an asset to the Town and I feel there should be a significant user fee that will assist with the maintenance.
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3) Dilapidated property around town. A report was made that identified the location of several properties and what is being done. The Mayor requested that any names and addresses of these deplorable properties not be mentioned in the reading of the report. I have filed yet another FOIA request for the draft minutes to include this report to see if in fact ALL dilapidated properties are addressed or just a selected few.
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4) The last report had to do with a proposed parade in October in conjunction with the Sussex County High School’s Homecoming. This sounds like a worthy endeavor I just hope it is well thought through and takes into consideration the celebration of the entire County and the Town of Waverly.
The Council then went into closed session. When they came out of closed session it was announced that the acting Chief of Police would have his salary increased to compensate him for his added responsibilities as well as a bonus for a few employees that have been asked to take on added responsibilities during this transition time. Also it was announced that there would be a meeting on the August 21st at 7 PM to hear from the DEQ and others regarding the additional wells the Town is in need of. Too bad most of those in attendance had left to hear what was probably the most appropriate and positive actions of the Council.
Thank you Mr. Turck for keeping us informed of the happenings at town hall. I was unable to attend but am not surprised at our Mayor's antics! (Clap, don't clap, etc.) It is very obvious that he is afraid of loosing control. I'd suggest he take a refresher course on our freedoms and rights as American citizens. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Ronald A. Atkins