Friday, August 31, 2012


I won't post to the blog what is in my letter to the Editor of the Sussex Surry Dispatch, but I do hope you will get your copy next week and read not only my letter to the Editor but all the articles. Our local paper, its reporters and Editor are doing a great job in keep us informed as to what is happening AND what is not happening in our county.

The meeting last night was hosted by the Honorable A.G.Futrell. As with the first meeting we were welcomed and thanked for attending. We were also told that we were there to help provide input into the county's strategic plan. We were also told that this was our meeting and we ALL would be given the opportunity to say ALL we wished to say with no time or content restrictions as long as we respected each other.

We were given 2 index cards on one we put down what it was we were proud of in Sussex County NOT today but in the year 2020.

Card 1.AVI

 A moving very well created "movie" was shown. If your only going to watch one of my posted videos please watch this one. I promise you it will make you think....why can't we be more like what is being portrayed?
County Video.AVI

A special person was given a special recognition. Mrs. Turner, who has probably done more for the citizens of Sussex County over the past 50+ years than any other single individual was surprised by the presentation.
Mrs. Turner surprise.AVI

 She got the last word in as she usually does. We all could take a lesson from Mrs Turner and give back into the county.
Mrs. Turner.AVI

Many, many citizens in attendance spoke one after the other making it VERY CLEAR that change must happen and it is US (We The People) that have the responsibility to make this change happen. A very loud voice was heard. Could this have been the first step in our long journey to a better managed county??


We were given an update on both the I-95 Tolls and the 460 By-Pass. If you want to voice your concern there is no need to talk to your Board of Supervisors because for once they are united on this issue. YOU SHOULD CALL the Governor's office at 1-804-786-2211 or call the Federal Highway Administration at 1-800-424-9071.
REMEMBER 2 more Community Meetings
Thursday September 6th at the School Board Meeting Room  6:00 PM and
Thursday September 13th at the Jarratt Fire House 6:00 PM and
The next Board of Supervisors Meeting
Thursday September 20th at the Courthouse (at least that is where it will begin) 7:30 PM
WARNING get to these meetings early as seats fill up quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way that Mr. Warren, Mr. Futrell, Mr. Fly and Mr. Harris are recognizing some of Sussex County's outstanding citizens. We have a lot of things in this county to be proud of and our people are first and foremost!
    Ronald A. Atkins
    Waverly, VA
