Thursday, November 22, 2012


Where oh where to begin??
 First sorry for the delay in getting this posted. As I was reviewing what the camera “caught” I was once again AMAZED at the inability of the Board of Supervisors to conduct business in a professional manner. There is true discontent among the members of not only the board of supervisors but among the entire governing body of Sussex County. Not to mention the lack of respect and ignorance.
Why is it that a board member and a county official feel the need to get up during public comments and make a statement to the board???? Why is it that a board member (Stringfield) does NOT KNOW where the RT 460 bypass is planning to go, it does impact HIS district… does he not care?? Or is he just that out of touch?? Why is it that when given a sliver of possibility to halt the bypass does the chairman Tyler push this aside saying it’s a done deal and we must live with that fact our focus should be on where the interchanges will be??? It seems to this writer that maybe just maybe Stringfield and Tyler have truly been in favor of this project all along … do they have a personal agenda, something to gain by this??? One can only wonder. How is it that a Board Member (Stringfield) made a derogatory comment about the County Administrator in a public meeting outside of Sussex County? And WOULD NOT apologize for it??
Now to the meetings …. Yes meetings! The first meeting was to discuss the evaluation and the evaluation process of the County Administrator, Tom Harris. At a bit after 6 PM the personnel committee (Tyler, Caple, Stringfield and Futrell) called the meeting to order and then wanted to go directly into closed session. County Administrator Harris stated “why did it have to be a closed door session he had nothing to hide from the public”, so they proceeded in an open session. And what a session it was, a bit disappointing that there were only a few in attendance including Fly and Warren who were NOT part of the “committee”.
The next 8 video clips are from that session and you REALLY need to watch them all to get a true feeling of the craziness that is supposed to be the business of the County.
The other clips are from the regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting. In my opinion the ONLY POSSITIVE thing to come out of the meeting was the fact that the Eastern Senior Citizens were allocated an additional $4,000 of necessary funds to allow them to continue their support of their group. Oh yea we got home before midnight too!
Watching all video clips will take a bit of time but well worth it IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in what is going on with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.
Each clip is about 4 min in length and I have tried (or will soon) to indicate a key exchange of words for each one. I will also be adding to this posting but wanted to get this out right now. SO PLEASE CHECK BACK SOON and often, and tell a friend about it. The more pressure we can put on this Board of Supervisors the greater the possibility is that WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!  “Pressure” comes from awareness and involvement! Be AWARE and get INVOLVED.
Do you realize that it has been almost 5 years since a County Administrator has received an evaluation? I agree that EVERY employee and elected official need yearly evaluations but what I don’t understand is why is Tyler pushing so hard right now? Could it be he has a plan??? A plan to get rid of Harris??? Heaven help Sussex County if this happens!!
Pictured here is what Tyler proposed to use in helping to establish evaluation standards he himself was proud to say developed the questions. WHAT a bunch of garbage, this should be taken to the landfill, maybe they will waive the tipping fees to help out. If this is the best Tyler can come up with it is yet another reason that we have NO leadership.
Evaluate the County Administrator 1.AVI
Warren to Tyler do you have a copy of the county administrators contract …. Turn to page 6 section 12…..
Evaluate the County Administrator 2.AVI
Tyler to board Are you suggesting we do not do an evaluation…. Warren to Tyler we are in violation.
Evaluate the County Administrator 3.AVI
Tyler to committee I only remember 1 previous evaluation…
Evaluate the County Administrator 4.AVI
A gum chomping Tyler  The committee will establish ….
Evaluate the County Administrator 5.AVI
Harris takes to the podium to address the committee and then Warren Can I get a ruling from our attorney…
Evaluate the County Administrator 6.AVI
Warren to Tyler … it’s always just a minute when someone has something to say..
Evaluate the County Administrator 7.AVI
Warren to Tyler When did the board deligate that authority to the personnel committee??? Tyler back That’s a good question..
Evaluate the County Administrator 8.AVI
Harris to Tyler you do realize there are 94 other counties that do this…Tyler  you don’t have to zerox all the documents from other counties and bring here.
Mrs Turner comments.AVI
I hope the attorney finds a legal way to get a tie breaker because will NOT move forward. To Tyler you did not tap for anyone else and when I finish I will sit down. Mr Tyler you can laugh if you want but this is serious.
Special called meeting 1.AVI
Special called meeting 2 you got a problem.AVI
The eMail.AVI
Tyler I sent an email ….. Warren Show me a copy!!!
Training more important than other issues.AVI
Training more important than other issues 2.AVI
Training more important than other issues 3.AVI
Where is the agreement.AVI
You’re pushing me 1.AVI
You're pushing me 2.AVI
I have several other clips that were captured between the two meetings when some did not or may not have known I was taping but for now I have elected to not post these.



  2. I am from Brunswick County and we surely have issues but Sussex is being held hostage by Ego's and dictatorships. Rufus was at the last Brunswick BOS meeting in the audience.

  3. I would like a complete background check on Tyler. Which college did he graduated? And if he did went to college , what was his major? Minor? Besides owning the the black poor in Sussex, what else is his qualifications? From the it looks and sounds like doesn't really qualify for much other than corrupting the local system? My sons are born and raised in this neck of the woods and for almost forty years now living in Sussex county it has seen better managements. I liked it better then when it was being ran by real intellegent and people with common sense people with all their practicalities. It was what I called; Quality well educated people. Now it is worst than I have ever seen. Favoritism is NO PLACE IN PUBLIC DOMAIN OR THE WHOLE SYSTEMS STAYS CORRUPTED FURTHEREMORE THE SYSTEMS IN ITSELF IS NEVER CORRUPT, IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS OPERATING IT. EACH ONE OF YOU IN THAT MANAGEMENT OPERATING THIS COUNTY HAVE SWORN AN OATH TO SERVE FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THIS COUNTY AS A WHOLE. NOT AS A BLACK OR WHITE (I'M BROWN AND A USA TXPAYER) AGENDA. JESUS SOME OF HAVE BEEN THERE WAY TOO LONG YOU ALL STERTING TO ACT LIKE YOU OWNED THE DAMNED CHAIR. WHY DON'T YOU GET OFF AND GIVE SOME OTHER PEOPLE A CHANCE WITH FRESH IDEAS? BEFORE ITS TOO LATE?
