backwards today as Tyler and his ignorant
puppets ambushed County Administrator Thomas
Harris with a special called
meeting and a quick
vote to fire him. With Fly running a few minutes
(within 2 miles of the court house) and Futrell
in the lobby calling Fly, a
motion was made and a
vote taken to fire Harris. Warren tried to halt the
but the damage was done.
OR WAS IT??? Was this a legal and
proper motion
and vote??? Was Tyler using his self-imposed
“authority” and
dictatorship type rule to seize the
opportunity?? On a 3-0 vote the county
died. Oh
yes the county will be around for many years to
come but it will NEVER
recover from this
outrageous display of craziness.
The racial
hatred and pure ignorance is so
that it is only a matter of time till
dangerous acts will take place that puts
citizens of Sussex County in danger … maybe that
single act has just occurred
shortly after 3:30 this
afternoon. Where were you when man walked
on the moon,
where were you when Kennedy
was shot, where were you when Martin Luther
King Jr. as
assassinated, where were you when
the music died, where were you when the
Towers came down and where were you when
Sussex County died???
If the
citizens, ALL THE CITIZENS of the county do
not wake up and call a stop to this
madness you
will forever remember this day, your children and
your children’s
children will find a life
somewhere else because there will be NOTHING
Sussex County for them.
More Later!
Your version of events isn't what I saw happen. I saw Warren stay in the meeting until it was adjourned. In my opinion it was high time for Sussex County to remove the cancerous tumor that was Tom Harris. Any "professional" that would act as he has at meetings does not deserve his job. I say that it is time to bring back Morrison, he did more for this county than anyone.
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised by the actions of Tyler, Caple, and Stringfield. It reminds me of the 1988 film by Keenan Ivory Wayans, "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka." Tom Harris did his job and paid the lawyer bill which "pissed off" all three of the above mentioned supervisors. Pay back is to fire Mr. Harris. Hence, the film title being appropriate for this poor decision making. This is just another example of why you kiss Mr. Tyler's behind. He has his puppets and "They Will Git You Sucka!" Sussex County lost an assest when Tom Harris was fired. Poor leadership (Tyler) brings poor decision making. God Bless our county as Tyler and his cronies tear it apart!
ReplyDeleteRonald A. Atkins
Waverly, VA
This is in response to Mr. Hardy's comment: I am not sure who you are or of your job description. This really would not matter to me except for your, admitted, personal attendance duing the meeting. From your account of the "events" that you say you were an eye witness to, I must assume you were a board member there to do the firing. Or, perhaps Mr. Tyler, Caple, & Birdsong invited witnesses(?) You also commented on your dislike of Mr. Harris, saying he behaved unprofessionally during meetings. I just want to make sure that you attended ALL those meetings, FIRST HAND, "Mr. Hardy". You know, board members attend every board meeting. If I had read your post, up to the last sentence, I don't think my need to respond would have been as strong. I haven't seen a lot of progress come from "back and forth" remarks (evidently the BOS hasn't figured this out, yet). Unfortunately, Mr. Hardy, your last sentence really gives you away. Except for 3 BOS members, no one has missed Morrison. What exactly DID he DO for the county? Cost the county big money in a land option he, botched? I could go on but I won't. Here's the bottom line: Sussex is a county made up of citizens that are good people who deserve to be well represented and have their voices heard through the BOS. Just imagine where we could go if that were to happen. When certain board memebers are motivated to action by any incentive other than the needs/wants of their citizens, then there is corruption. If just half of the energy put into fighting were put into progressing Sussex, we would be in a good place, indeed. Instead, comments like those of Mr. Hardy continue to be the "cancerous tumor" that keep our county divided. The time has come for citizens to start thinking for THEMSELVES, and not just listening to what one or two say! Open your eyes, Sussex! Is what is going on right now in this county helping us? Are we, at least, engaged in a process that will head us in the right direction? Who is holding us back???
ReplyDeleteRufus is ruthless!!
ReplyDeleteCorrection: In my comment above I mistakenly used Mr. Birdsong's name instead of Stringfields. My apologies to Mr. Birdsong... there is no comparison between your honest hard work for the county's best interest and the actions of a brainless puppet.
ReplyDeleteChannel 8 WRIC and A J Lagoe has done wonders for Brunswick County on their reporting of our BOS. Suggest Sussex Citizens to contact Channel 8.
ReplyDeleteSome of us in Brunswick have a inclination of who Sussex's next CA will be. Rufus was at our last BOS meeting in the audience and was in town Wednesday going into the back of the IDA office and our CA vehicle was parked in front.