Friday, February 24, 2012

The last letter to the SSD Editor

For those who did not see the Sussex Surry Dispatch here is  my letter to the editor ...

Groundhog Day by Fred X Turck Blackwater District

There is a classic Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, which revolves around the repeating over and over of February 2nd. This is a very funny movie but what is happening here in Sussex County unlike the movie isNOT FUNNY one bit. Similar to the movie we seem to be reliving over and over a bad day for the county in the form of the Board of Supervisors Meetings. It is becoming very tiring and very old. This is NOT just something that has occurred with the newly elected board but has been going on for years.

Not sure what was going on prior to the start of the meeting but Chairman Tyler rearranged the seating locations of the Board Members, was it an attempt to break allegiances or was it just another show of power.  When 7:30 PM came the meeting began as always with hopes, the pledge of allegiance and a prayer, but did not take long for the hope to dwindle and the words of both the pledge and the prayer to be just that, words. It didn’t take long for the €œBull Supervisor Fly and the Bully Supervisor Tyler to revive their deep disrespect for each other and those they were elected to serve. He said - she said, whose going to Meetings. Gentlemen, ALL 6 of you, PLEASE stop this, set your personal differences and agendas aside and get back to what it is you were elected to do.

There was a bright spot last night, not since the hunters rallied in support of an issue very important to them has the meeting room been so full. During the citizens comments portion of the meeting about a dozen or so folks got up and voiced concern for several issues. There was a well-organized and orchestrated outpouring of support for Attorney Henry Thompson, many called for the county to “do what is right and pay outstanding bills, some called for the county to act NOW and replace the outdated and unreliable communications system and others asked for county support of youth activities.  You could tell that this, just like with the outpouring of hunters, rattled the Board, to the point where funding for a youth recreation league was placed back into the budget just in time for spring activities.

HOWEVER this huge outcry for doing what is right from the citizens also lead to an unprecedented, out of place and very unprofessional rant from the chairman. While we all can support some aspects of what he has to say, just like we can find some points to agree with made by other Board Members we MUST DEMAND that our Groundhog Day come to an END! If you can’t attend the meetings, I am glad you are keeping up with it through the Sussex Surry Dispatch, and  please contact your representative(contact info follows) let them know it’s time to get to the business of supporting you, your family and your county and check out my blog at

Board of Supervisors

Courthouse District

 Eric Fly   Cell: (757) 647-8190   Email:

 Stony Creek District

 Charlie E. Caple, Jr   Home: (434) 246-2602    Cell: (804) 586-3645

 Waverly District

 Alfred G. Futrell   Cell: (804) 385-6406   Email:

 Blackwater District

 Raymond L.Warren   Home: (804) 834-2920   Email:

 Henry District

 Rufus E. Tyler Sr  Home: (434) 246-4246   Email:

 Wakefield District

 John A. Stringfield,   Home: (757) 899-3088   Email:

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