Saturday, May 19, 2012

Seven (7) hours and for What?


Last night’s Board of Supervisors meeting began with a 7PM public meeting on VDOTs 6 year road plan for the county and ended at almost 2 AM YES AM Friday morning. So much was talked about; argued about my head is still spinning. By the way going well into the next day (Friday) I believe is in violation of a county code that all BOS meetings should end by midnight, I could be wrong but it does not really matter, just another indication of a lack of leadership to allow this to occur.

Please check out the several videos that are posted later as many of them support much of what I will be writing and talking about. You will HEAR for yourself what went on and realize it is NOT something I made up or worded in such a way to show someone in a negative light. Reality is stranger than fiction!

I’ll start with the positive…mostly positive.

A very good (however a bit of death by PowerPoint) presentation on the County Budget by County Administrator Thomas Harris provided the citizens in attendance an insight never before afforded us. There is both good news and bad news in the budget. Good news most all tax rates will remain the same, bad news some services and or support of county programs will be reduced. Then again some county supported programs will see an increase such as the Sussex Surry Greensville Improvement Association.

Once the proposed budget was provided it got lots of close scrutiny by several who could get a hold of a copy.

The question must be asked DO WE HAVE THE RIGHT FOLKS in the right position to manage a budget of $46,548,273.00 ?? One of the citizens during citizens comments made reference to the saying “If you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got…how true! It’s been so evident for the last several months that our current board is ineffective in the operation of our county business CAN WE AFFORD HAVING THIS LEADERSHIP MAKING DECISIONS INVOLVING NEARLY 47 MILLION DOLLARS ??

A resolution was passed that recognized the 2012 graduating class of Sussex County High School. This is a momentous occasion for the students, the parents and the teachers. I would like to add my congratulations to those students and challenge each and every one of them to go out into society and MAKE a DIFFERENCE, become involved, in those things that will impact their ability to be what they want to be, in those things that will impact their ability to achieve their dreams.

There was a request for the county to sell some property it owns in Wakefield. This property was purchased specifically to help improve the housing opportunities several years ago but till now has not actually been built upon. I am please to let you know that it was agreed upon that theses lots NOT be sold and that possible agreements with organizations like Habitat For Humanity be explored that would fulfill that original purchase agreement and intended use for the property.

Another bright spot before the darkness of despair overcame the meeting was the public thanks of support the county provided on a Blackwater Flooding project from the Honorable James P. Council, Mayor of the Town of Franklin. Mayor Council indicated that after a long long time the project has been completed that would help with warning the public and give local governments the time to prepare for possible flooding, and this was in part due to the support of Sussex County.

 Deputy County Administrator announced a grant of $135,000 from that Tabacco Commission.

The following has some positive and also some negative…

Renee Wyatt-Chapline, executive director of Virginia’s Gateway gave a report during which she explained that there is  a lot of interest in Sussex County due to its location and road and rail infrastructure. What she did not say is this interest is NOT resulting in any new business except for the long talked about and anticipated pellet plant in Waverly. There must be a reason for this lack of economic development besides the down turn in the economy…..could it be the obvious inability of our Board of Supervisors to come together and make decisions that would move the county forward??? Could it be the inability of the Board of Supervisors to be fiscally responsible????

Sorry to say that this is about all the positive accomplishments that amounted to anything last night.

So what happened that was not so positive?? Oh where to start??

Chairman Tyler requested the Boards approval of a resolution to support Governor McDonnell’s efforts to create a Port of Virginia Economic and Infrastructure Development Zone. Tyler explained that this would all along the “zone” from Norfolk to Blacksburg create jobs and billions of dollars of revenue but what he did NOT explain that it would be on the backs of property owners and business owners and localities like the towns of Waverly and Wakefield that would be NEGATIVELY impacted by the 460 bypass. A project the County has already opposed. So how can one day out of one side of your mouth you be opposed to something Mr. Tyler then on another day out of the other side of your mouth you support something that is in direct conflict with your previous stance?

I am glad to say that after opposition by Fly, Warren, Futrell and Capel,  this request failed to get the support necessary to be passed.

Electing a Vice Chairman…. Guess what??? We still DON’T have one! Mr Tyler did try and rush through the nomination and vote for Caple but was called on this obvious attempt and after having to accept other nominations, then have a discussion THEN call for a vote it was 3 – 3 tie (Warren-Caple) surprise surprise…

Here is an idea at the next meeting after there is once again 2 individuals nominated for the position and BEFORE the vote have each one get up and tell the board and citizens why it is they would be best for the position AND THEN call for the vote so you the board can base your decision on some facts/truths and not on any personall agenda.

Attorney’s Payments When will this ever end??   Just listen and view the few videos to see and hear just how crazy this is and how it can possibly be the straw that collapses any opportunity the county might have to bring economic growth to OUR COUNTY.

If I thought it would help I would be the first to open up my checkbook and offer money to pay these fees and I know that just with those in the audience last night we could pass the hat and collect enough to pay the bill WITH OUT ASKING ANYONE FOR AN APOLOGY. What I would demand is not and apology BUT A PROMISE to never talk of this again and MOVE ON! I know this would never occur so I’ll keep my money and pay my bills.

And you think it could not get any worse ….

Then there were lots of bantering about having a Retreat/Work Session. After a request from Mr. Fly (check out the videos) to involve citizens and business owners there was for some “crazy” reasoning and lots of opposition by 3 Board Members (guess which ones). One quote by Mr. Caple was “what do they have to offer unless they want to bring some funding” I spoke up and said we all bring some funding every time we pay our taxes and pay our bills for services!!

Oh yea Sheriff Bell had a few words for Stringfield regarding a street "party" that he did or did not give "approval" for.


Until then, let folks know why it is they need to get more involved and I would also like to THANK each and every one who was in attendance last night and every one of those 4,000+ folks who are visiting this blog.
A few other pictures before the Videos

Tyler and Warren one of several "discussions"

Attorney Packer trying to inform the Board just what constitutes an "official" meeting. Make sure you see the corresponding video maybe some board members need to school-up on some basic math.

Caple in support of NOT supporting the 460 resolution.

Yet another citizen asking for the Board to do what they were elected to do!

This IS YOUR BOARD of SUPERVISORS... are you pleased with how they are running YOUR county??

Videos from last night !!!!
I'll try and post a bit more text for each soon.

Fly's proposal for public input     

What are you afraid of     

Futrell support of public meetings     

Give me 90 days     

No quorum no meeting     

How can we move forward

Pay attorney     

Pay attorney 2     

Pay attorney 3   

Pay attorney 4     

Pay attorney vote     

Step down tyler     

Surprise surprise     

Sussex CHS 2012 resolution     

Tyler 460     

Tyler meeting cancelled     

Warren in support of public meetings     

Sheriff Bell and Stringfield

Dr Harris Lock em up

Thanks for helping make this one of the most popular and fastes growing Blogs about Sussex County VA

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Next Meeting Thursday Night

The next meeting of YOUR Board of Supervisors is scheduled for THURSDAY night at 7:30PM. Please make plans to attend as you might have read in the most recent Sussex Surry Dispatch there has been a bit of movement in the right direction. What is the right direction ???? any direction that moves the county forward is the right direction. YOU can take pride in making this happen, if it were not for you the citizens of Sussex County getting involved and voicing your displeasure to the continued deadlock and inability to do just about anything we would still be trying to hire a County attorney that had no alliance to any one board member or one that had a clean slate in the eye of the State Bar.
PLEASE be part of the movement that holds all Board of Supervisors accountable for their actions and lack of their actions and let them know they can NO LONGER operate under the cloke of darkness they once did.
I have let 2 issues of the Sussex Surry Dispatch go without submitting any letters to the editor as others of you have picked up the batton of accountability and I truly feel our movement is helping the county mover in the "RIGHT DIRECTION". I will  after the meeting Thursday night not only be posting my thoughts from the meeting along with the usual pictures and video clips but also submitting a letter to the editor because we ALL must keep up the pressure on OUR Board to be the representative we deserve.
SEE YOU AT THE MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7:30PM and for those who can not make it lets visit on my blog soon thereafter.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A 1-2 Punch is Delivered

Local residents along Coppahaunk Avenue in the Town of Waverly get some support in their fight to clean up the neighborhood and ask folks to “Just Be A Good Neighbor.” The 1-2 punch a right cross from the Sussex Surry Dispatch and blow to the mid section by WTVR TV CH 6. Adrienne Wallace, Editor of the Sussex Surry Dispatch ran an “above the fold-Front Page” story and Wayne Covil, Reporter with WTVR visited town, talked with neighbors and ran a story on the 6 PM news last night. A photo of the SSD front page and a link to the CH 6 story are below.

Link to the story that ran last night on WTVF TV CH 6

Although the Town of Waverly said it sent 6 or 7 letters over the last few years the question still needs to be asked…. WHY DID IT TAKE a newspaper story, a TV News story, several trips to town and county meetings and a petition to get some action. AND the jury is still out on that “action”, in the TV news story reporter Covil said he talked with Rufus Tyler who said he has personally been doing the interior renovation and when that is done he will begin on the outside. Well let’s hope his skills are with interior decorating but from the looks it’s the same ol story of lots of talk and promises and little or no real action.

Lets hope that with the newly elected leadership in the town of Waverly they can set aside personal agendas and get to work making the Town of Waverly "A Nice Place to Live". And one last question ...... Why can't neighbors just do the right thing? Take pride in what ever you do and own!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Election Results

CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners and those that did not win THANKS for taking an active part in our democratic process and please do not let your dissapointment this morning deter you from trying to make a difference in our county and community.


Last Reported: May 1 2012 8:45PM EST

Kenneth A. Warf
20 100% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

Write In
0 0%


Last Reported: May 1 2012 9:03PM EST

F. R. "Frank" Jackson, Jr.
45 88.23% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

Write In
6 11.76%


Last Reported: May 1 2012 8:57PM EST

C. Winston Britt
153 65.38% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

John B. Nicholson III
79 33.76%

Write In
2 0.85%


Last Reported: May 1 2012 10:06PM EST

Kevin D. Jones
199 45.43% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

Walter J. Mason
232 52.96%

Write In
7 1.59%

Member Town Council

Last Reported: May 1 2012 8:45PM EST

J. E. "Jimmy" Brown
15 14.70% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

C. I. "Billy" Gregory
19 18.62%

Kristen M. Grizzard
17 16.66%

Michael L. Grizzard II
18 17.64%

Melanie W. Wilson
14 13.72%

James M. Wyche
19 18.62%

Write In
0 0%

Member Town Council

Last Reported: May 1 2012 9:03PM EST

L. Chester Carter
39 15.29% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

Sylvia D. Jackson
37 14.50%

James H. "Mickey" Jones
40 15.68%

Gerald A. Lacerte
39 15.29%

James M. "Jimmy" Matthews
30 11.76%

Abram E. Norfleet, Jr.
27 10.58%

Percy J. Owens
37 14.50%

Write In
6 2.35%

Member Town Council

Last Reported: May 1 2012 8:57PM EST

Jean C. Barker
134 11.87% Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

T. Wayne Birdsong
153 13.56%

Michael W. Kessinger
183 16.22%

J. M. "Jim" Long, Jr.
147 13.03%

O. E. "Chip" Parker III
169 14.98%

Mary L. Renney
133 11.79%

J. R. "Jack" Stringfield
121 10.72%

Thelia L. Stringfield
82 7.26%

Write In
6 0.53%

Member Town Council

Last Reported: May 1 2012 10:06PM EST

Eddie C. Boyd
22715.03%Precincts Reporting:
1 of 1 (100%)
Votes by Precinct

Miriam D. Edwards

Barbara Smith Gray

Rose M. Morton

Barbara L. Taylor

Write In