Thursday, May 3, 2012

A 1-2 Punch is Delivered

Local residents along Coppahaunk Avenue in the Town of Waverly get some support in their fight to clean up the neighborhood and ask folks to “Just Be A Good Neighbor.” The 1-2 punch a right cross from the Sussex Surry Dispatch and blow to the mid section by WTVR TV CH 6. Adrienne Wallace, Editor of the Sussex Surry Dispatch ran an “above the fold-Front Page” story and Wayne Covil, Reporter with WTVR visited town, talked with neighbors and ran a story on the 6 PM news last night. A photo of the SSD front page and a link to the CH 6 story are below.

Link to the story that ran last night on WTVF TV CH 6

Although the Town of Waverly said it sent 6 or 7 letters over the last few years the question still needs to be asked…. WHY DID IT TAKE a newspaper story, a TV News story, several trips to town and county meetings and a petition to get some action. AND the jury is still out on that “action”, in the TV news story reporter Covil said he talked with Rufus Tyler who said he has personally been doing the interior renovation and when that is done he will begin on the outside. Well let’s hope his skills are with interior decorating but from the looks it’s the same ol story of lots of talk and promises and little or no real action.

Lets hope that with the newly elected leadership in the town of Waverly they can set aside personal agendas and get to work making the Town of Waverly "A Nice Place to Live". And one last question ...... Why can't neighbors just do the right thing? Take pride in what ever you do and own!


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