Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sussex County is Imploding.

Implosion is a process in which objects are destroyed by collapsing (or being squeezed in) on themselves.

Please note that the December 20, 2012 meeting of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors location has changed to the Sussex Central High School Auditorium.  Please share with as many others as you can.  Thanks.

 I hear the movement to have Tyler and others removed from office has begun! The support for this is wide spread both within Sussex County government and outside. Tomorrow night’s Board of Supervisors meeting will be a crucial one for the wellbeing of the county. PLEASE make plans to attend. I would not be surprised if the meeting is a no go, the pettiness, unrelenting ignorance, underhanded (bordering on illegal) actions that have been displayed previously will possibly get in the way of our progress. The national media has tagged Newtown Connecticut as the saddest town in America after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School . I believe that Sussex County just might be the saddest county in Virginia (Brunswick is not that far behind...wonder what the connection is??? ) and we have our Board of Supervisors to thank for this. Ok I know there are those on the Board that truly have the best interest of the citizen at heart but the division is deep and balanced. It has been proved time and time again the only way to get something accomplished is by “trickery”. If some folks worked as hard to improve the county as they do at trying to undermine other board members and/or to improve themselves or their pet projects we all would be better off.

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