Saturday, July 7, 2012

Critical Crossroads for the Town of Waverly


                                        Town of Waverly Residents

Please attend the Waverly Town Council meeting on Tuesday, July 10th at 7:30 at the Town Hall.

The 10th will be a critical crossroad for the Town of Waverly. A new Town Council will be taking their position as leaders for the Town, let’s hope they take their job serious and become the leaders they were elected to be and not just followers.

One of the biggest issues will be the Towns work force; ALL employees are up for re-appointment as they were reminded of this past week. Waverly is fortunate to have so many dedicated employees throughout and they deserve, no we deserve, to have them keep doing the great job they are doing. It’s not just for the money these folks are working so diligently it is also for the betterment of the Town and those of us living in Waverly.

Another one of the major issues facing us is our safety and protection of our property. The police force has made major strides in both of these areas and now is NOT the time to consider changing its members and leadership. The Chief along with all Town Officers and a member of the Sussex County Sherriff’s Department held a Community Forum on the gang situation on June 23rd and only 16 people attended.  There was no sign of the Mayor or the new town council members, except Ms. Barbara Taylor.  Did they all have prior commitments or were there other reasons for them not attending? If the elected officials of the Town don’t care, what hope do we have? This meeting was quite an eye opener, except for maybe 2 or 3 people in audience no one had any idea there was this level of activity right here in our Town.  It was so shocking and the lack of interest so evident by the poor turnout that we felt something had to be done. This was the driving force that the organization SCAT produced, printed and had mailed to every postal customer within the Waverly Town postal route a flier this week. Our hope was to present just the facts and GET PEOPLE TALKING and INVOLVED.

We saw in last week’s Sussex Surry Dispatch the Shake Town Ryderz Motorcycle Club with local law enforcement made an exceptional POSITIVE move to broker a truce between the Wakefield and Waverly rival gangs. This is but one of the reasons we need to find ways to support our police department, NOW IS NOT THE TIME to push aside the progress made for reasons that are personal.

Please attend the Waverly Town Council meeting on Tuesday, July 10th at 7:30 at the Town Hall and voice your support for all Town employees and show support for the Waverly Police Department and their dedication to protect us.                     
If you can’t attend, then contact one of your Town Council Members and let them know how you feel.  They are:

Eddie C. Boyd                                                                         Rose M. Morton
322 S. Beaverdam Road, 834-3092                                        324 Pine Street, 834-3815

Miriam D. Edwards                                                                Barbara Smith Gray
211 Dogwood Avenue, 804-415-3361                                  244 Locust Drive, 834-3862

Barbara L. Taylor
115 Elm Street No # found in directory

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